Saturday, February 13, 2010

Little House on the Prairie

After reading the "Little House" books and visiting some of the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites (in South Dakota, Minnesota, and Missouri) as a kid, I was intrigued when I heard about a musical based on the series. First produced at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis in 2008, the show then began a limited tour. (I saw it in Madison, WI.) Melissa Gilbert, who starred as Laura in the television series, played the role of "Ma." While the show was enjoyable, entertaining, and well done, it is not a show I will rush to see again in the near future. The music evokes the prairies, but there are no show-stoppers. I didn't notice anyone leaving the theater humming the tunes.

1 comment:

tsh said...

I agree. I did enjoy the show but I wasn't left with that feeling of singing or humming the tunes. Probably cuz I couldn't remember them!