Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Yours

I had heard of Jason Mraz (he's referenced in a previous post), but I didn't know any of his music. Then I heard a song on the radio and wondered who sang it. It turns out it was Jason Mraz! Here's the song:

At the same time, the viral video below came to my attention.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cocomero - Champaign, IL

Housed in the former location of Moonstruck Chocolate, Cocomero (709 S. Wright St.) is a hit with the Campustown crowd. It was even very busy on a brisk fall day (yes, I know this post is delayed!). A sign informs you "how to cocomero":
How to Cocomero:
1. Grab a cup
2. Swirl your own Yogurt
3. Add your own toppings
4. Weigh and pay

I selected samples of four different flavors of yogurt and covered them goodies!
The line wraps around the store and most of the seats by the tables and the bar by the window were filled. More patrons gathered in the cozy second level that overlooks the campus.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hank Stuever's new book, Tinsel: A Search for America's Christmas Present, is an intriguing account of his time spent with three families in Frisco, Texas (an affluent exurb of Dallas). I listened to the audio book in my car and found that I had to wait in the car several times after reaching my destination because I wanted to find out what was to happen next. Mostly affectionate, sometimes mocking, Stuever documents the history and myth, consumerism, frenzy, and loyalty people have toward the winter holiday.

  • Tammie Parnell, a gated-community wife and supermom who runs her own Christmas decorating business. She charges her clients up to $1,000 a day to put up their artificial trees, garland and other trinkets, even as it distracts her from the cozy, perfect, family holiday she envisions.
  • Jeff and Bridgette Trykoski, who own that house every community has, the one with cars lined up around the block to see the lights display, which, at Jeff and Bridgette's place, dance in time to music. Now Jeff has been hired to create a display three times as big at Frisco's newly developed town square. But what's life like inside the brightest house in town?
  • Caroll Cavazos, a hardworking single mom who struggles stay upbeat during the production of her megachurch's Christmas pageant, focusing on the "reason for the season" even as she finds herself navigating the throngs at Best Buy at the Black Friday sales.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Walnut Room - Chicago, IL

Get a classic dining experience at the Walnut Room in Macy's on State (111 N State). Open since 1907, this is one of Chicago's oldest restaurants. The restaurant is on the 7th floor; shoppers on the 8th floor can look down to the diners below.

Sit beside a 17-foot high marble fountain.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy 2010!

News Highlights from the Past Decade (from wikipedia)




  • Euro replaces the currencies of 12 of the EU's 15 members.
  • October 12, 2002 - 2002 Bali bombings - Islamist terrorists bomb nightclubs in Bali, killing 202 people


  • February -March 2003 - A major SARS outbreak takes place in China and spreads through Russia, and Canada. Threats of SARS entering the United States were verified, but no SARS outbreak took place.
  • February 1, 2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia breaks up on re-entry to Earth on STS-107, killing all seven occupants.
  • April 9, 2003 - U.S. forces seize control of Baghdad, ending the regime of Saddam Hussein, during the Iraq War
  • December 14, 2003 - Saddam Hussein was captured.




  • October 9, 2006 - North Korea performs its first successful nuclear test.
  • December 30, 2006 - Saddam Hussein is executed after 2 lengthy trials.


  • December 27, 2007 - Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, approximately 2 weeks before a national election in which she was favored to be elected president of Pakistan.