Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas in Wisconsin

Omaha-based Mulberry Lane sings a tribute to the winter holiday in the Badger State. I do not know whose house is shown in the video.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wally's Falafel & Hummus - Minneapolis, MN

A tasty selection of middle eastern fare can be found at Wally's (423 14th Ave. SE) in Dinkytown. Shown here is a sampler with (clockwise from upper left) tabbouleh (تبولة‎), pita, falafel (فلافل), fries, baba ghanoush (بابا غنوج), vegetable garnish, hummus (حمّص), and lentil soup (شوربة العدس). Yum! (If you aren't sure what the items are, click on the name for an explanation.)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Hanukkah!

Light the menorah, spin the dreidel, give the gelt, and fry the latkes. It's Hannukkah! Enjoy Debbie Friedman's celebration of the holiday with pictures put to the music by someone with too much time on their hands.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I Was Told There'd Be Cake

Essayist Sloane Crosley's first published collection is an entertaining read. While the writing is not as sophisticated as David Rakoff's, the stories not as memorable as David Sedaris' early works, or the accounts as informative as Sarah Vowell's, the essays are still enjoyable. In this clip she is reading selections from her book. Remember the Oregon Trail computer game? So does Sloane! You'll also find out the origin of the meaning of the title: I was Told There'd be Cake.